
Get rid of a sore throat fast!

Cold Season is here......and I don't know about you....but, for me the worst part of getting a cold is the initial sore throat!  Oh, we all know it too well....the scratchy, itchy, painful soreness you feel in your just want it to go away....AND FAST!
Well, as soon as I feel one coming on....I walk myself right into the kitchen and make myself this.  After just one cup, I already start to feel some relief.  Try it for yourself and I hope it works for you!

All you need:
Hot water, 2 tbsps. of honey, 2 tbsps. of apple cider vinegar, 2 tbsps. of lemon juice, healthy sprinkle of cinnamon and small sprinkle of cayenne pepper.
Mix well and sip.

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